We’re down to rice, lentils and some dry beans. I believe we have some dried dates, prunes and almonds. Thus, we are good to put off a grocery expedition for another day, or week, or who-knows. Besides, one can never go wrong by not eating: losing weight.
This was the closest we’ve gotten to shopping in weeks. Believe you me, we’ve got perfect weather to haul anchor and move this barge into a kayaking position for a shore incursion. The irrational, homophobic twat that gleefully denied our right to land, is out knocking on doors for the Jehovah’s Witnesses until 13:00.
We set an alarm for dark and early and actually got up. And then, we gave up.
Why? Apart from the aforementioned remaining stores, there is raising anchor without a windlass and the inevitable injuries. The endless hours at the helm without an autopilot or cockpit enclosure, the equipment failure, the sniping and squabbling, the paddling to an unprotected shore, the fear of losing the kayak, the trudging along narrow roads infested with drunk drivers in baking heat with feet sandy and salty and blistering and chafing in soaking shoes. Then there is the grocery shop (convenience store to those in the not-third-world) that may or may not have anything you need, like stove fuel. There’s the animals splattered on the asphalt, the flies – especially the bitey kind, the midges, the mosquitoes. And the horror… the horror: total war against the environment everywhere you look.
So much easier to just to say, ‘maybe we should try another remote island we might not get caught buying food at.’
But nah, who are we kidding?
Featured image: Elena delivers supplies from shore to our boat, one of the rare occasions when we did manage to get food.